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Rang Mháire (Mary's Class)


Last Time (July 8) {Back to Top}(back to top)



I myself did not get to the latest crosfhocal, faraor, but we can take a look at it next time if there are questions.

We went over the answers for the exercises for PI 51.

We read the whole first page of our summer story! Maith sibh!

Obair bhaile:

Previous Class (June 10) {Back to Top}(back to top)



We went through the crosfhocal I sent last week and checked our answers. I'll send you another one.

We took another look at PI 51, and I pointed out where more information on the topic is available from Nancy Stenson. Do the exercises for homework.

We also took a quick look at our summer story, which I e-mailed after class. Try to get through the first page since we've got at least a couple of weeks until our next meeting.

Obair bhaile: